[1] Low Density Parity Check Codes
Number 21 in Research Monograph series,MIT press,Cambridge,Mass.,1963

[2]  Good error-correcting codes based on very sparse matrices
MacKay, D.J.C.
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 45 Issue: 2 , March 1999
Page(s): 399 -431

[3]  Near Shannon limit performance of low density parity check codes
MacKay, D.J.C.; Neal, R.M.
Electronics Letters , Volume: 33 Issue: 6 , 13 March 1997
Page(s): 457 -458


[4]  Factor graphs and the sum-product algorithm
Kschischang, F.R.; Frey, B.J.; Loeliger, H.-A.
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 47 Issue: 2 , Feb 2001
Page(s): 498 -519

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